15 Things That Make Me Happy

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I was meditating quietly and spontaneously the other day, and I started thinking about things that make me genuinely happy. Not end results or accomplishments, but mostly experiences. Which, in a sense is also what meditation is: being present in the moment.

Anyway, I thought I should put them open my iPhone and try to do some of each every day. The are mine, certainly no better or worse than yours or that of anyone else. But I liked the process of writing mine out and thought I’d share the idea. If you do the same, enjoy! And stay happy!

  1. Deep interpersonal connectivity with people I really gel with.

  2. Self-improvement, self-awareness, self-growth.

  3. Learning new things.

  4. Being active, especially trail running, hiking, weight lifting.

  5. Travel, especially to see new places or people I care about.

  6. Writing and journaling.

  7. Podcasting.

  8. Good movies, documentaries, podcasts, audio books and books.

  9. Dogs and animals in general.

  10. Playing catch with a baseball and going to baseball games.

  11. College football season.

  12. Going to an occasional really nice restaurant.

  13. Going to an occasional movie in theatre and splurging on popcorn and Coke Zero.

  14. Mentoring others.

  15. Open-minded debate on things I don’t necessarily agree with or know enough about especially when someone changes my mind.


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