How Do I Change My Life?

It’s quite simple, but it isn’t easy.

1. Get out of bed immediately when you wake up. Don’t lie there doing nothing—there is no more waste of a more invaluable time.

2. Get outside in the early sunlight and go for a walk/hike/run. Both of those, the early morning light and the movement, have deeply supported research to support your best thinking.

3. Ask yourself: “Who do I want to be as a person, and what three things do I need to do to get there?” Write them down on your phone.

4. When you get home, write them down on paper. Put it on your refrigerator, in your wallet or purse. Read it every single morning.

What’s next? Well, we are our actions—not our thoughts. Those three things—that is your brightest future. That is your best self. One question remains: Are you going to do them?

We are our own griefs. We are our own happinesses. We are our own remedies.

– Mike Spivey


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