How to Guarantee Success for Your New Year’s Resolution

This is a New Year’s resolution post, but it shouldn’t be. Because if asked, “Should I start today, or start any other day?” my response would be, “I don’t know a single person who has ever regretted starting now. I know many who have regretted not starting.” Start now.

For me, it is December 2nd as I write this, and I’ve done just that. Each morning — despite how crazy my day is — I’ve gone to the gym and worked out. Each time I do, I read the following quote: “When you feel like quitting, remember why you started.” Why I started is simple. I’ve had a stress fracture in my foot for months, and I finally got sick of days off from pushing myself. But that’s also irrelevant.

Why do you want to start? What do you want to start? Think about it now: “What is my resolution for 2022, and why does it matter to me?” Then make a plan. Today. Now. Stop reading and start writing, on your phone’s notes or a journal or on a sticky note. Anywhere. Write down your plan. It generally takes 90 days to hardwire habits and see change, so make it a three-month plan.

Have your plan? Now do the following. Set a goal simply of sustainability. At the end of the day, that’s all the matters anyway. If you follow your plan every day for three months, I guarantee you will be successful. Then read. Listen to podcasts. Read more. Listen to more podcasts. Become an expert on what you set out to accomplish over the next 90 days — and become it now. Because if you do start January 1, your plan will then be much more refined and nuanced.

Every day 1% better. Every single day. That is your only goal for the next 90 days. Journal your success. It’s so simple, yet so few people stick to this. Over 90% quit their New Year’s resolutions in January. So start now. Prepare now. Attack your goal every single day for just three months — make a checklist. I have one. 90 check marks in 90 days, and I promise you you will be in the top 10% who actualize your resolution. I wish you more than luck, I wish you success.


The Meaning Of Life (a quote that you’ve never heard before)


At The End of The Day