10 Scientific Facts About Love

Most of these aren’t mine, of course. I am not a scientist who studies love. And everyone is different; what may be a “fact” for one may not hold true for someone else. But I did find these compelling and hence the blog. Enjoy!

(1) You can sense someone staring at you even when you're not directly looking at them.

(2) People desire someone more if they are hard to get.

(3) Happy people are more likely to fall in love because their happiness makes others happy.

(4) Oxytocin, sometimes called the "love hormone," plays an important role in helping couples bond.

(5) Research has found that eye contact increases levels of romantic attraction between two people.

(6) People who spend more time in sun are more likely to be happier.

(7) When a person gets angry at silly things, that person is in love.

(My note: likely true for many. The opposite of love isn’t hatred, it is indifference. You don't get angry over nothing at people you could not care less about.)

(8) People are attracted to details: instead of saying “you are beautiful" say: “I love your eyes.”

(9) Discovering someone’s similarities to us makes the person seem more attractive.

(10) Real love may not be unconditional, but it is permanent (in my opinion). See my blog on this here.


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