What is the biggest regret in life?

This story is not mine, nor the words. But it’s not unknown to me from many others, either. I’ve heard it before and it delivers a punch. Read on, just love, and live life!

- Mike Spivey

I’m a palliative/end of life care nurse and there are a few regrets I see coming up again and again, not only in the elderly but in all kinds of people facing the very near end of their life. The number one regret (well there are two really) are not spending more time with the people that really mattered to them, and not living their life for themselves (aka doing what others expected of them, or what they felt society dictated they should be doing with their life).

Live your life the way you want. Dont feel pressured to do things other people want you to do. Dont choose a job just because your parents or your culture tells you to. Do what you love, take risks, live for today, and appreciate little everyday things. Above all spend as much time as you can with the ones you love, and the ones that make you feel good. Forget the rest, they won't matter in the end.

Live your life as if this is your last year. You cant rely on getting to become old, time is a luxury many in this life never find out they dont have until it's too late. Don’t find yourself spending those last days wondering how it could have been.


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