What To Do When You Feel Like Giving Up
If you ever feel like giving up, and most of us will have days where we will, I came across much of the below on one such day, added some of my own, and want to share. We’ve all had moments of despair (my Mom recently passed away and the day I alluded to above I simply did not want to get out of bed all day — a first ever for me) and to the extent this collective wisdom can help you like it did me, I hope you read on.
1. This too shall pass.
Tough times are just a phase.
They don't last forever.
Life is a cycle of highs and lows. For every single person who has ever lived this is true.
Remember, this too shall pass.
You're in the middle of the storm now, but clear skies are ahead. Stay strong.
2. You Are Stronger Than You Think.
Never underestimate your resilience.
- You've survived 100% of your bad days.
- Your purpose is greater than any bad day or self doubt.
According to author and holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl, "If you have a 'why' to live for, you can bear almost any 'how'" - meaning that when you have a strong reason or purpose in life, you can make it through the moments of doubt or times you feel like giving up.
Remember, you're stronger and more capable than you even know.
3. Small Steps Count.
Progress doesn’t always come as a huge leap forward.
Often, especially at first, it's tiny, almost imperceptible steps.
I wrote this as a draft on the day I didn’t want get out of bed. That was progress! I laid in bed (I did eventually get up) researched this topic and then started writing).
Each step, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goal.
Celebrate every bit of progress. Slow and steady can still win the race. Keep moving forward.
4. Remember Your 'Why'.
Think back to the reasons why you started.
One of my “why’s” as I hit 50 was to write blogs, books and podcast in the self-care/well-being space. With every struggle I’ve ever had is a lesson I’ve learned that might help the next person. My “why” prevented me from giving up.
Reconnect with your motivation and your goals.
5. Failure is a Stepping Stone.
It's okay to fall but it's important to rise again.
Every setback brings learning opportunities.
There’s a heuristic from entrepreneur and self-help expert Tom Bilyeu I fully embrace:
“Life is just one big feedback loop
You do a thing. You get a result. You update your behavior from the result.
If you take conscious control over that process you can take your life wherever you want.”
Remember, every great success story involves overcoming obstacles.
Keep going. Your story is being written.
6. Practice Self-Care.
Self-care is essential, especially during tough times.
- Eat nutritious food
- Exercise regularly
- Get adequate sleep
- Connect with loved ones
- Engage in activities that bring joy.
It’s not selfish, it's survival. Your well-being matters.
7. It's Okay to Ask for Help.
Remember, you're not alone in this journey.
- Reach out to friends, family, or professionals
- Open up about your struggles
- Seek support when you need it
Strength isn't just about enduring in silence. It's also knowing when to ask for help.
Fight for yourself. No matter how difficult it becomes, never let yourself give in. Fight, fight, fight!
Your spark will return and you will come out happier, healthier, and with even more purpose.
We are all in this together. Feel free to share, and some final words below.
Life is difficult.
You lose love.
You lose friends.
You lose pieces of yourself that you never imagined would be gone.
And then, without you even realizing it, these pieces come back.
New love enters.
Better friends come along.
And a stronger,
wiser you is staring back at the mirror.