Every Ladder Has a First Step (if your first job isn’t what you had hoped it would be)
In this podcast, In this podcast, Mike Spivey discusses his experience in his first job out of college.
The Top Two Traits of Leadership
If you can be good at one thing, you can be good at anything. Leadership has always fascinated me, but more precisely, people who always seem to successfully lead organizations and teams are the most intriguing.
My All-Time Favorite Law School Personal Statement
I sat, pondering both the murky nature of the grey slush on the floor and my own murky future as my university applications sat on an admission officer’s desk somewhere. Then I took an elbow to the face.
Particular People
The picture above is of the Atlantic Ocean in South Florida. Notable because I took the picture, dropped my phone, shirt and shoes, and just jumped right into it at that exact spot. Also notable because I can’t really swim.
A Quote To Make Your Day More Joyous
A thoughtful quote from author and motivational speaker Esther Hicks.
Choosing The Impossible
Dr. Sam Harris believes that free will is an illusion—that we are merely a collection of our DNA and every life experience we have been aggregating, leading us to every decision or action we have ever made and ever will make. I tremendously believe, to my core, that we have a strong say in our destiny, and I would fervently defend this belief.
The Eta Report (Chapter I one of a book I am writing on decision-making)
When we are born, there are an almost infinite number of pathways our lives can take. From our very first breath, every little permutation of a decision or interaction changes the road we are on and direction we are heading.
Top 20 Most Powerful & Inspiring Quotes of All Time
“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
5 Principles I Start Every Day With
I wanted to take a second to share something. About a month ago, I wrote down 5 principles by which I would like to live every day and hold myself accountable to.
I Wanted to Give You My Money and You Wouldn’t Take It
This is a different sort of post — it’s on starting and running a business or firm. More specifically, it’s also on the 200 or so times someone with a business idea has asked me to invest in their idea and why I have said “no” every single time.
You Do You
Be the best version of yourself, of course, but be your best self only for yourself.
When I care deeply, I am at my best—be it about people, my work, or what I enjoy (like running) in my personal life. Things only get muddled when I let others dictate what it is that should matter to me.
For All of Us Who Have Been in the Middle of the Pack
It took me five years to graduate Vanderbilt, including two summer school sessions, and my grades were mediocre at best. But in the back of my mind, I always knew I was going to make something of myself. Partly because I knew I had drive about things I was passionate about, and partly because failure motivated me to push harder.
Death Be Not Proud
Despite the title, and the introduction, this isn’t a blog on death. In fact — it is the exact opposite; it is on living life. It’s just that (as I podcasted a bit on here) we often have to experience a low to learn about our highs.
Overcoming the Adversity in Your Life
Life is difficult.
I read that introductory sentence from Dr. M. Scott Peck’s “The Road Less Traveled” when I was in my 20s. It sunk in, or that is to say, it sounded meaningful, potentially even true. But I couldn’t relate to it, and after two pages I set the book down and never picked it back up.
Failure is a Liar
I recalled a distant but not entirely forgotten memory while running the other day. It dates back to my first ever homework assignment during my first week of 1st grade, which was a writing assignment.
Focus. Why It Matters So Much, and How You Get It.
Focus is living in the immediate. That is all there is to it; there is no complex definition. This trait rings true for almost all highly successful people—they have the ability to stay on focus. But what is focus, and how can it help you?